30 August 2013

Kahikatea Cake Stall

Today we had a Kahikatea Cake Stall to fundraise for camp.  Sylvie and Emily decided that they wanted to make homemade lemonade. They went to a lot of trouble as you can tell!  Well Done Kahikatea as we raised $495.10.  Nearly halfway to the $1,100 we need to raise.

Free Choice Writing

On Thursday this week in writing Sally gave us a free choice writing session.  Some of us wrote comics, others of us wrote emails to our parents and some of us wrote raps. 

 Haiku poem by Caleb

The world !!!

The world is so big.
We have a core it's so hot.
The world is so grate. 

Rap by Theo and Ed

Poetry Podcasts

Hi Room 5, Here is the link for the poetry podcasts. This is going to be one of our activities in reading next week. Sally

16 August 2013

Sally is proud!

We have had an awesome week of learning and activity in Room 5! On Monday we had lots of teachers from Beijing spend the day in our school. Sally was very impressed and proud of how we were all so focussed even with lots of people coming and going throughout the day. 

 On Wednesday we started creating our paper mache planets to create a class solar system. We are trying to make our model to scale so some of our planets are the size of a balloon, whilst others are smaller than a marble! Sally was proud of how well we all worked together helping each other out. We also worked hard in our groups researching our planet. 

 On Thursday we were treated to a performance by te Te Pouahi Kapa Haka group. The put on a dress rehearsal for us as they performed today at a competition in Blenheim. And to end the week we had fun during buddy time skipping with our little buddies!

09 August 2013

Our exciting awesome week!

One fresh Monday we started our week. We finished off our recounts about our holidays. We were very lucky because Andrea, Andre's Mum also bought us in fruit kebabs to celebrate Andre's birthday  We also learnt about telling the time. On Thursday we went to the Suter Art Gallery. We visited the I'm Pulse exhibition. As part of our visit we made stars out of clay. In the middle of our star we wrote a key word that relates and is important to us. After the Suter we went to the hall and did gymnastics with our class. This week we also got into groups and have started researching the different planets in our solar system. Soon we will be making paper mache models of the planets.

Written by Room 5 and Sally 

02 August 2013

Term 3 begins with a blast!

What a great start to Term 3 we have had. On Monday Sally was nearly knocked to the ground by all the hugs she received!  She has loved being back in Room 5 and seeing all her friends again.

 This term we have a bit of a space theme going on.  As part of our inquiry topic we are learning all about Space.  During ICT this week we brainstormed what we knew, key words and any questions we had.  Check out our brainstorms below.  We also had fun in drama as we recieved a letter from the U.S. President informing us that they were just about to launch the first mission to the moon and required our help!