28 November 2014

A&P Results

We are very proud in Room 5 because we gained lots of awards at the A&P Show last weekend.  Well done to the following children

Cullen - 1st decorated biscuit

Emily - 2nd decorated biscuit

Floss - 3rd decorated biscuit

Year 0-3 Fruit and Vegetable Novelty - Very highly commended



Year 4-6 Fruit and Vegetable Novelty
1st - Lily 

Very Highly Commended - Callum

21 November 2014

Camp 2014

We have had a fun filled last couple of weeks.

Last Thursday and Friday we had an overnight camp out at Bridge Valley with children from Room 7, 9 and 16.  We had lots of fun participating in activities such watersliding, kyacking, caving and cooking damper.  Sally was proud of many of us who were nervous about staying overnight but managed to overcome our fears.  For a lot of us our favourite activities were kyacking and watersliding.

Camp 2014 by Slidely Slideshow

Today we also got creative entering items into the A&P Show this weekend.  Everyone entered an item into the decorated biscuit section and the fruit and vegetable novelty class.

A & P Show 2014 by Slidely Photo Gallery

10 November 2014

Communication through flags

Hi Room 5, Here are the links to the work we have been doing in class on communication.

07 November 2014

Week 4!

We've had another great week in Room 5.  This week we had fun exploring some more ways that people communicate with others.  We learnt about Morse Code, using the Military Alphabet, and Semaphore Flags.

This term we have been doing dance.  We have a jungle theme going on.  This week Sally put us in groups of four and we had to think about the dance element of levels.

We have had Sam relieving us.  We had lots of fun creating these bright and colourful clowns.  Aren't we talented!!

04 November 2014


We are learning about all the different ways we can communicate with others.  Here are couple of the links we have been using in class.

Morse Code Link

Sign Language Videos

03 November 2014

Sign it!

We have been learning about all the different ways that people communicate with each other.  This week we have been learning more about sign language.  As part of our reading rotation we had to make a little movie using sign language.  Sally was blown away with what we came up.  Check out one of them below.  Watch out for them coming on our individual blogs soon.

Ruby M: Hi my name is Ruby.
Cooper: Hi my name is Cooper
Cooper: What sport do you play?
Ruby M: I like to play rugby.
Cooper: Whats the time?
Ruby M: 1:00
Cooper: Ok,Bye
Ruby M: Bye.

Sylvie:Hi good morning my name is Sylvie
Ruby R:Hi good morning my name is Ruby R
Sylvie:Nice to meet you
Ruby R: Nice to meet you too 
Sylvie:I am thirsty
Ruby R:Stop
[Ruby R goes and gets Sylvie a drink]
[Sylvie gives Ruby a thumbs up]
Ruby R:Bye

We also had our second week of gymnastics.  We are really thankful to the parents who are supporting us with this.

Talented Room 5!

We've had another fun week in Room 5.  On Tuesday a lot of us performed at Stage One with the school choir as part of the Nelson Art's Festival.  Check out the video below.  (Sorry that it is sideways)

On Wednesday Cooper, Ella M and Ruby M were really brave and helped Sally lead a Tekkie Brekkie before school.  They taught teachers how to use the Lego Movie Maker App to make animations.  Way to go girls!!