15 December 2016


Our last week of school for 2016 was a week of celebrating and farewells. On Monday we had our Year 6 leavers assembly at the Cathedral. We recognised all the different ways the Year 6's have served at Nelson Central. We ended up special assembly we a haka standoff between the Year 6 and 5 students.

On Tuesday we had our Year 6 Leaver's Disco. This was a fun Hawaiian themed night of games, food and dancing!

On Wednesday we returned to the Cathedral with our little buddies from Room 9 to look at the Christmas trees.

And today we had our final whole school assembly for 2016. And as tradition goes, it ended with everyone throwing their hats into the air!

09 December 2016

Big Day Out!

On Wednesday Room 2 enjoyed their Big Day Out to celebrate the end of the year. We had lots of fun hydrosliding and playing mini golf at Tahuna. Unfortunately we had to cut our day short due to the weather and missed out on our Scavenger hunt.

25 November 2016

Suter, sports and cycling!

What a week we've had out and about!

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to visit the Suter Art Gallery in it's upgraded premises. We explored the new buildings and then made our own Christmas Tree ornaments out of clay. We can't wait to have them back and decorate them once they are fired.

On Wednesday a number of our Year 6's participated in a cycle ride to Nelson Intermediate. We were shown safe routes and practices for when we cycle there next year.

To wrap up our busy week on Thursday the Totara Syndicate went out to Saxton Field for our athletics competition. From the pics below you can see that we had fun running, jumping and throwing!

17 November 2016

Kids teaching Kids!

This term we have had a mini unit called Kids teaching Kids. As part of this we had to teach the others in our class about something that we are passionate about. We had to think about what we would the key points we wanted to teach and plan a lesson or presentation around this.
Check out Ryan and Michael's Tackle TV video below and some of the other lessons that took place. 

Nelson teaching us all about archery

Noah taking an art lesson

Tilley teaching about acting and being involved in a production

Floss and Hannah taking a gymnastics lesson


Last week we had a reliever in Room 2 because Sally was at camp with Room 1. The name of our reliever was Che. He brought in some long cardboard pipes so we could make Didgeridoos. We started off by choosing one of the long cardboard and painting a base layer of black. Then we added another base color with the black. After that we had to put some dot art around where the different colors met. Next we drew a picture of a object and painted it. Finally we did dot art around the outline of the object and did some shapes with the dot art as well. When we were finished we had some didgeridoo lesson. We had a blast with Che!

Written by Sam and Alfie

04 November 2016

Powhiri, Peace and preparation!

Check out some of the action we've been involved with this week.

On Saturday the 5th November from 2:30-3:30 going to be a Peace Picnic held at the Nelson Cathedral. As part of it all the children at NCS have completed a panel that is being sewn together to create a giant blanket. You can see it beginning to take shape below.

This week we have been finishing our comics. Sally has been very impressed by the way we have persisted and completed them to a high standard. All our hard work has paid off!

Yesterday the Year 6's who are attending Nelson Intermediate were welcomed on at a powhiri and participated in a range of activities from cooking, to riding drift bikes and mountain bikes, outdoor games and completing tasks in the technology rooms.  Some boys completing a Science task.

Caleb having fun on the drift bikes.

This term each of us are presenting our own mini lesson to a group of students in our class. Here you can see Ryan and Michael preparing their 'Kids teaching kids' lesson on how to tackle safely in rugby.

These are 2 gymnasts who entered the Nelson primary school fair. They both won a silver team medal. All together Nelson Central School won 10 medals.

28 October 2016

Creative comics continue!

We've carried on this week working on our comic writing unit. As you can see below our comics are beginning to take shape.  Sally has been very impressed by the way we have worked hard producing some quality work. Way to go Room 2!

During buddy time we enjoyed showing our little buddies how to create their own comics on http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/

21 October 2016

Super Hero's and Villans

As part of our comic unit this week we have designed our own Superhero's and Villans. This is Dr. Derp. He is a super villain.  Derps super power is cyber space. He can jump into computers and travel through the internet. We made our super heroes/villains at www.marvel.com.  By Sol

This is Boss man.
                              Boss man's power is: Absorbing powers
                                      He lives in:NZ
                                        He is BOSS
                                           By Ed H          

14 October 2016


This term in Writing we are focussing on comics.  This week during ICT we created our own ones using www.makebeliefscomix.com.  Check out Grayson's one below! (Click on it to enlarge it).

22 September 2016

Adventures around town!

We've had such a full week in Room 2 this week with our education taking us all over town!

In Maths this week we have been learning all about capacity.  Sally gave us the challenge of designing a container to hold the greatest volume of popcorn using just one piece of A4 paper.  As you can see there was a great variety of capacities between the containers!

On Tuesday all the senior students were involved in a Winter Tournament against other Nelson City Schools. Totara students were involved in Netball, Hockey, Miniball, Volleyball and Ripper Rugby. Above are the Hockey Players.

Yesterday we visited the Maungatapu Murders Exhibition at Nelson Museum.  Thanks to Nicki who taught us more about this historical event that took place nearby.

To top off our adventures around town yesterday a group of students who had been involved in the Bike Inquiry Group went mountain biking up the Codgers Mountain Biking Track. We had lots of fun exploring the tracks and then at the end testing our skills on the jumps!

16 September 2016

Week 8!

Well we've had a week of much variety in Room 2. Check out some of our highlights below!

This week in Maths we have been learning all about measurement, particularly about area and perimeter. We kick started our topic off with a paper plane contest.  Ryan's aeroplane was the winning one flying 17 metres!

On Wednesday Ruben, Ruby and Max represented  our school in the Inter-School Ski competition. Well done to the team who placed third and Ruby who placed second in the Primary Girls age race.

On Wednesday we had our Totara Trading. There were a lot of fantastic stalls on display where we could earn our Totara Dollars that we had earnt throughout the term

On Thursday Rosie brought in her pet goat Ponyo into visit. It was just eight days old and super cute!  Thankfully it was wearing a nappy as otherwise we would have been caught out!

01 September 2016

Speech Finals

Well done to Floss and Sylvie who made it through to the Totara Syndicate Speech Competition. Both Floss's speech on the future and Sylvie's about Dreams were exceptional.  You can view them below.

26 August 2016

Olympics and Calendar Art

Today in the Totara Syndicate we celebrated the Olympics with our very own mini Olympics.  As part of our Inquiry topic in groups we have been designing, modifying and evaluating games. Then as a class we've had fun playing them all and evaluating.  Our game that was chosen was Parachute Hoop. 

This term we've also been busy working on our calendar art. Parents can choose to have our artwork turned into calendars, cards and journals. Parents look out for the order forms coming soon!

Room 2 Calendar Art 2016 by Slidely Slideshow

18 August 2016

Ski Trip

On Tuesday Room 2 were fortunate enough to go to Rainbow Ski Field.  For some of us it was our first time touching snow which was very exciting!  We had lots of fun skiing and tobogganing.  Most of us started on the beginning slopes, with a good number of us advancing to the intermediate slope and a group of us making it all the way to the advanced slopes.  The weather was amazing with the sun shining and not a puff of wind. One child was so warm he ended up skiing in his t-shirt and shorts!  Check out our pics below.

12 August 2016

Sporty and Creative

This week we have had opportunities to be both sporty and creative.  We have enjoyed creating sunset/sunrise silhouette pictures as part of the School calendar art fundraising activity. Our parents can have our artwork turned into calendars, mousepads and put on the front of diaries. Look out for each individual child's picture on here soon!

We also had our first Futsal coaching session with Ben from Nelson Bays Football. We looked forward to the other sessions with him in the coming weeks.