24 March 2016

Popping with pop art!

In the last 2 weeks room 2 have been doing pop art. Recently we did Andy Warhols pop art. To do this we either drew a picture, took a photo or got a picture off the internet of an object,quote or ourselves. Using an app called foto flexer we edited them to have the same unique effect as Andy Warhol's artwork. In the end they looked really good.

By Floss and Charlie

18 March 2016

Purple, plays and participating

It's been another busy week in Room 2 this week.

As part of our Inquiry we have been learning all about the NZ flag, government systems and the way decisions are made.  This week just like many of our parents we cast our own votes as to whether the NZ flag should be changed. We had our own electoral officers, returning officers and children counting votes. It was all very official!  We await to hear final results next week!

We celebrated Purple Cake Day today.  This is all about kids helping kids all over the world!  Our syndicate organised a wheels day and overall as a school we raised over $1000!  This will go to kids in Haiti, Kenya and Nepal. Way go to NCS!


Check out the great song that the children at Central wrote especially for Purple Cake Day

This week whilst the Year 5's were at Peer Mediation Training the Year 5's got to retell the story of the Turtle and the Coyote.  Here is Tilly and Emma's.

12 March 2016

Totara Swimming Carnival

Yesterday we had our annual Totara Swimming Carnival.  This was lots of fun with a mixture of competitive races and then some fun ones like the piggyback race and the wet t-shirt race. The day ended with a fun relay of students with teachers and parents. Sadly for the kids the adults were too strong for the kids!

Wet T-Shirt relay

Our week at Camp!

Room 2 were lucky enough to go on camp last week to Mistletoe Bay in the Malborough Sounds with Room 15.  We began the week by setting up our tents.  As we were such a big group we had to spend two nights in the whare's and two nights in the tents.  We enjoyed some fun games and competitions the first day competing against the other teams

Tuesday began with Mr Huhu's famous 7am Boot Camp. A run, push ups, hurdles and many other exercises were on the menu this morning.

On Tuesday we got to participate in a an awesome range of activities.  These included archery, slack lining, kayaking and raft building.

Let's just some rafts worked better than others!

Our food on camp was pretty awesome!  Thanks Matua Wayne for cooking such amazing meals!


On Wednesday we walked to Lochmara Lodge. Some of the keen beans joined a running group with Sally and Jo. We went on a little side trip and went up to the Lookout

Yay, we made in to Lochmara Lodge!  For a number of children this was a highlight! Chilling in the hammocks, feeding the stingrays by hand and just enjoying each others company were top elements of Wednesday!

Many of us cooled off at the end of our walk by jumping off the jetty


Thursday brought a sailing theme. We were lucky enough to have Grace and Laurence take us out on their sailing boat Steadfast.  Laurence built this boat himself over 16 years.

Putting up the main sail.

The sailing theme carried over into everyone having a go sailing a little optimist boat.  For lots of us this was our highlight for the week!

On Thursday we also had our very own camp Masterchef.  We made Mars Bar slice which we enjoyed for supper later that night.

In the evening Richard De Hamal came and spoke to us about what it is like to be a fish in the ocean. Here is Mr Huhu dressed up as a clown fish!

On Friday we had our final bootcamp.  Mr Huhu was brutal in this final 7am session.  We had the choice of either going in and getting a ping pong ball from the water or running for 25 minutes!  Many of us in the end decided that the short term pain of the swim was worth it and jumped in in our clothes!


 Farewell Mistletoe Bay!