27 February 2017

week 4

Here are room 2's new student councilors
Ruby                          Hollie                     Zai 

We got to vote for our student councilors. 

We had our first summit club of the year on Thursday. 
We walked up the center of NZ we had lunch and came back down.

While the year 6's were doing per-mediation the year 5's were building something to  get Rapunzel down
from her castle. The boys above built a drone. |The girls below built a ladder.
On Tuesday after school we had a picnic under the trees. Lots of family's came and ate their dinner and had a great time.

This is the artwork we have been doing this week we took a picture then cut out our main features and glued them on.

17 February 2017

Week 2 Room 2!

We've had another great week in Room 2.  This week we got stuck into reading, writing and Maths!

In Writing we have been learning about memoirs.  We enjoyed watching Michael Rosen's chocolate cake video to kick us off!  We have been learning that memoirs are about a small moment in time... a 'seed moment'

As part of digital citizenship in ICT we have been learning about rings of responsibilities.  We discussed some of the different responsibilities that we have
e.g. To our self - To not share our passwords with people other than our parents
To our friends and family - To not post photos without their permission
To our community - To not say unkind things about others online

And to finish our week even though it was raining today we enjoyed a session in the pool.

10 February 2017

We've had a great first week back at school in Room 2.
This week we participated in a whole heap of activities around a story called Little Red's Cookie Catapult. This story was a slight variation of Little Red Riding Hood in which Little Red is trying to get her cookies to Granny.  The wolf however gets in her way and eats them all up!  We've talked a lot about growth mindsets as well. Granny doesn't have a growth mindset as she thinks 
" The wolf is too clever, I'm ready to give up" and "I just knew this wouldn't work!"  Little Red however has a growth mindset and says"  Don't give up Granny. My secret path through the forest didn't work so I will have to find another one."  and " I have learned from my mistakes... I will have to think of another way to get the cookies to Granny."  As part of this we had to design our our own catapult to get some cookies to Grandma.  We had to show our problem solving skills and display a growth mindset, especially when our plans didn't work.
We also had fun icing and decorating our own biscuits.

09 February 2017

Welcome back!

Hi From Room 2 2017!
We'd like to say welcome if this is your first time to our blog.  Currently there are 24 students in our class on nine and ten year olds in sunny Nelson, New Zealand.
Check back here weekly so see all the learning and fun that goes on in our classroom!