05 March 2011

Can you help us?

This term our inquiry topic is 'What's beneath our feet?'.  In particular we are investigating fossils.  On Friday we came up with a range of questions which we are interested to find out the answers too.  Can you help us answer any of them or tell us of someone whom we can contact who may be able to help us?

Our questions are:
Where was the first fossil found?
Who was the first scientist to find fossils?
How do scientists find fossils?
Why do scientists find fossils?
Where do scientists find fossils?
Where do the fossils get fossilised?
How long does it take for something to be fossilised?
What is the biggest thing that can be fossilised?
How are things made into fossils?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 5,

    I found this on the internet today.

    "In 1676, the first dinosaur fossil was mentioned by scientists."

    That is a really long time ago (335 years ago), but it didn't say who the scientist were.

    Mika has got some fossils at home which he could bring to school if you like.

    Have fun researching.....




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