31 May 2012

Our day!

In art we have been learning about warm and cool colours.  Today we completed our artwork inspired by the famous artist Friedrich Hundertwasser.   
 Today we also had a surprise visit from Molly's cat mouse.  Mouse decided to co-operate this time and come visit us all in Room 5.

25 May 2012

Our Week

This week our big focus in Room 5 has been researching so we can write an information report about an animal that lives in our backyard as part of our inquiry topic. Sally is so proud of how we have worked so hard.  After we have written our information reports we are going to create dioramas of their habitat. 

 On Thursday Sally decided that because we had worked so hard on our research we could have a free choice writing session. We had lots of fun writing raps, songs, letters and comics. We've also been training hard for cross country with the big race only a week away!
 Here is the final result of our work on primary and secondary colours. We used the paper that we painted using primary and secondary colours to make collage flowers.

23 May 2012

Food Chains

As part of our inquiry topic we have been learning all about food chains and food webs.  Last week in ICT we used Tux Paint to make our own food chains.  Check out our work below.

Food Chains

As part of our inquiry topic we have been learning all about food chains and food webs.  Last week in ICT we used Tux Paint to make our own food chains.  Check out our work below.

18 May 2012

Fun at the Brook Sanctuary

Yesterday we went to the Brook Sanctuary.  We were in groups and all of the groups went on a bush walk.  We learnt that birds spread seeds by eating them and pooing them out.  We learnt that there are stoats, rats and possums and so they put out traps.  He also showed us some frozen pests. They put them out every 25 metres.  A man showed us how the traps work and showed us how the animals set them off.  They check them each week.  A lady called Pam taught us about nature and she showed us some orange fungi.  We had a lot of fun, you might like to go and check it out for yourself.

14 May 2012

Richard de Hamel

Today we were lucky enough to have Richard de Hamal from the University of Otago come and talk to us.  

He taught us about food chains and webs, fish and parts of fishing boats.

Some of the things that we learnt were:
- There is a hospital on a fishing trawler.  Charle
- Orange Roughy are poisonous.  Camryn
- Albatross kept on getting killed by wire ropes on trawlers.  A Nelson invention now stops them from getting killed.  Boats all around the world use this invention now.  Sophie
- That if you kill one species a whole heap of others species will also die.  Lucy

Some questions that we have after talking to Richard are:
- What's the population of kina in the world currently?  Ben P
- Why are Orange Roughie poisonous?  Jemma

11 May 2012

Science Week

Today we were lucky enough to join our Buddy Class for some experiments put on by some Room 11 parents.  This was part of Science Week 2012.  We learnt about water and its density and enjoyed the great Diet Coke and Mento experiment!  Watch the video to check out some of the fun we had.

Cuddles Visits

Today we were lucky enough to have Jayden's pet rat Cuddles visit.  Jayden's inquiry group from last term taught our little buddies about caring for a pet rat. Unfortunately  Molly's cat Mousie was not too happy being put in a box so her group shared with us about how to care for a cat using the poster they had made.

04 May 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

It's been all go in Room 5 this week.  In Maths we have been learning all about measurement.  As part of this we had fun predicting and measuring the capacity of a variety of containers.  To celebrate our measurement topic we made pikelets together on Friday.

 As part of our inquiry we discussed the word habitat and what it means.  We decided that our habitat is our home.  We also discussed the word ecosystem.  We tried to make a 3D ecosystem of our surrounding areas using salt dough but sadly it turned into a gooey mess!  Next week we might try making it using something else.

01 May 2012

Helping you child

Check out this great resource to find lots of awesome ideas of how you can support your child's literacy and maths at home.


Whose eaten all our peanut butter?  Look at the footprints left behind in our tracking tunnel.  What do you think has been through our tracking tunnel?  Leave us a comment and let us know what you think.  Check out earlier post to find out what this is all about.