25 May 2012

Our Week

This week our big focus in Room 5 has been researching so we can write an information report about an animal that lives in our backyard as part of our inquiry topic. Sally is so proud of how we have worked so hard.  After we have written our information reports we are going to create dioramas of their habitat. 

 On Thursday Sally decided that because we had worked so hard on our research we could have a free choice writing session. We had lots of fun writing raps, songs, letters and comics. We've also been training hard for cross country with the big race only a week away!
 Here is the final result of our work on primary and secondary colours. We used the paper that we painted using primary and secondary colours to make collage flowers.


  1. Great work, Room 5! Can't wait to see all your dioramas. Rebecca (Theo's mum).

  2. Great work, Room 5! Can't wait to see your dioramas. Rebecca (Theo's mum)



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