What a week we've had. On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have Ella Middleton from Nelson Intermediate come and share with us her book that she wrote and illustrated with a classmate. Her book was amazing! Ella was very confident sharing it and Sally even thought that she could have left Ella in charge for the rest of the day!
On Tuesday we also had fun exploring whether different substances dissolve in both hot and cold water. We found that the sand didn't dissolve in either water, but the custard powder dissolved in both the hot and cold water.
Today we had fun during Maths running our own little shopping centre. The division dinosaurs set up shop and then the rest of us were able to purchase things from their shop. Sally gave us each a budget that we had to try and stick to. We had to work out how much we spent and how much money we had left in our piggy bank!
We also had fun making fizzy lemonade today. One of the reading groups read an article about how to make the lemonade. We look forward to seeing how the solids and liquids combine together and turn into a gas and make our lemonade fizzy!