26 September 2014

Week 10 Fun

We have ended Term 3 with a bit of fun.  On Monday we enjoyed making popcorn and then writing a free-verse poem about it.

Popping Popcorn
Popcorn blows out of the machine
It's trying to escape the popcorn cells
Jumping round and out of the popcorn maker
The kernels look like the golden sun
It is tired from leaping around in the popcorn maker
Spinning round like a tornado
It rests in the bowl after popping around
By Cooper

On Wednesday we enjoyed making paperplanes and then flying them off the adventure playground.  The strong winds made this experience even more exciting!

Here is one of the poems inspired by this experience
Crash, floating
Landing, zooming, racing
Paper planes are fun

On Thursday for discovery time we had a newspaper dress up contest.  We found we had to work together, sharing ideas and negotiating.

1 comment:

  1. hello room 5 I have been enjoying my holiday in Blenheim me and grandad have been fishing in Picton we caught a spotty mum went home on Monday I spent a night with my cozen ally and my nanna we played minecraft. I missed being with my freinds at school It took me for ever to get online this computer is really slow! looking forward to camp I will write another coment when ever I get the chanse to go on the internet. :-) :-) from Ella .S.



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