Check out all the learning in Room 5 this week.
This term in art we are learning all about perspective. We have been working recently on these perspective paintings.

In writing we are focussing on writing descritpions. This week we have been writing a description about Greedy Cat. We look forward to sharing our writing with you next week!
On Wednesday morning before school Tyler, Anna and Amba taught the teachers how to use the Ready to Read E-book App at their Tekkie Brekkie. The teachers were impressed at their presentation. Way to go team!
Continuing on with our theme of flight we focussed this week on how surface area affects an objects movement throught the air. Can you tell that is was a really windy day the day we explored this outside!
We have carried on our cross country training this week. On Thursday Jane from No Child left inside takes us for our session. Here we are learning about stretching and core exercises,
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THANKS, FROM ROOM 5 & Sally :)