02 July 2015

Pinata and Kites!

This week marks the end of Term 2. Check out some of the fun we had this week.

On Monday we kicked off the week by having a pinata.  We used this as motivation for our writing for the week.

Pinata by Caleb
I had a go at whacking the pinata like a batter hitting a ball.  The pinata looked like a colourful clowns costume.  The pinata flipped, flew and fell to the ground like a monkey that missed the vine.  If you were lucky enough you got a whole lolly pop.  The unlucky ones got a broken one.

We had fun wrapping up our Inquiry Unit Up, Up, Up and Away by holding a Kahikatea Syndicate Kite Festival.  At this festival we had a competition to see whose kite would stay up in the air for the longest.  Well done to Charlie and Archie's for designing and constructing the winning kite!

Archie and Charlie with their medals

1 comment:

  1. You picked a good day for a kite-flying competition! Well done Archie and Charlie.

    "...like a monkey that missed the vine." that's such a great simile! Made me laugh!

    Thanks for sharing



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