11 December 2015

Fun filled week!

What a week we have had this week!

On Monday we kick started our week by completing the final preparations for our Kahikatea Market Day. We finally got to make the jelly that we had been working towards designing packaging and marketing all term.

On Monday night a number of children performed at the Summer Sounds Choir Concert at Founders Park.  There was a surprise performance by a Brass Band who were very cool!

On Tuesday all our hard work paid off when we set up our Jumping Jelly Store.  Our jelly all sold out within 10 minutes!  We made over $60 profit with some of it going towards a class party and the remaining going towards the SPCA.

On Tuesday we also had a visit from Ellie from Broadgreen Historic House. We learnt all about how children in the Victorian time celebrated Christmas.  We learnt that their advent calendars weren't filled with chocolate, but rather with chores like chopping wood and even emptying the potty!

On Tuesday and Wednesday we were lucky enough to visit Ingrid and Harold from Life Education.  We learnt about empathy and being a good friend.

To end the week we had our annual Kahikatea Athletics Day where we competed in shotput, sprints, long jump, high jump and relays. 
What a week!

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