Today we had fun in ICT on the Elf-yourself website. Here is a video that Camryn and Jessie made.
We are a class of Year 5 & 6 students located in the centre of Nelson, New Zealand.
17 December 2013
16 December 2013
For Kahikatea Syndicatens big day out we went to Riverside. Riverside is really really fun. Heeps of children went on the rope swing in room 5. When we got back we ate lunch. After lunch we had a water fight The water fight was really really fun. Here is a picture.
06 December 2013
Busy! Busy! Busy!
What a fun week of learning we have had in Room this week!
On Wednesday we had our annual Kahikatea Athletics Day. We rotated around a range of athletic sports. To finish off the morning we had relay races. Room 5 dominated and won both the boys and girls relay races!
Girls Relay Race
Boys Relay Race
Relay Champions!
29 November 2013
Constructing our mangonels
22 November 2013
This term we have been learning about dance. As our inquiry topic is all about simple machines our dance unit also had this theme. Below is a dance created by Ed, Jasper, Paige and Grace. To see more check out the individual children's blogs.
A&P Show
Today we had lots of fun making creations to enter in the Nelson A&P Show. In the Kahikatea Syndicate we entered the decorated biscuit category and the Fruit and Vegetable Novelty. Check out the creations below.
A&P Show 2013 on PhotoPeach
09 November 2013
Camp by Jessie
On Monday we went to Bridge Valley it was AWESOME. I went kayaking and jumped off the aqua trampoline. I made damper for the first time,the damper was really yummy.
My highlight was cooking damper and making a real fire. I Something I found interesting was that they had a water slide.
Check out more photos from camp on our class Facebook Page
01 November 2013
Technology challenge with our little buddies
Today we had lots of fun doing a technology challenge with our little buddies from Room 10. Tracy and Sally gave us newspaper, masking tape, a cup and a marble. We had to make the tallest tower possible to hold up the cup and marble. Sally didn't think the winner tower of Jasper, Austin and Arlo's would work, but somehow they managed to make it strong and balance.
31 October 2013
Final Reminders for Camp
Hi there,
find below the final reminders for camp.
Requirement List for Overnight Camp
Your child will need the
tea and lunch for day 1
Cuddly toy,
2 or 3 changes of clothes,
Warm jersey/sweatshirt,
Sneakers or similar,
Sleeping bag, pillow, pyjamas,
Toothbrush, toothpaste,
2 towels, flannel, comb, soap
Small torch,
Plastic bag for wet clothes/flannel,
Sun hat and sun screen.
Transport to Camp
ensure you are at school by 8.55am on Monday. Park on the
courts in front of the main block. On arrival at camp please go straight
to the area outside the camp buildings and supervise your children.
Transport from Camp
ensure that you are at Bridge Valley by 12.45pm on Tuesday.
We will then head to Tahuna beach and park outside the playground.
Upon returning to school please park on the front courts outside the main
Camp Concert
We will have a concert after dinner on camp night
beginning at approximately 7.30pm. Whanau are most welcome to attend.
We are holding our heats today and items to be presented at camp will be
chosen this afternoon. If your child is chosen please ensure they
include any props etc that they may need.

25 October 2013
Calendar Art
Check out our amazing artwork. Parents you can have these turned into beautiful calendars, diaries and cards and help fundraise for the school at the same time! Order forms were sent home yesterday.
Stage One performance
This week a large portion of Room 5 students performed on Stage One in the choir as part of the Nelson Arts Festival. Check them out singing our school song Ki Runga Rawa - Aim High especially written by Kath Bee.
19 October 2013
The Masked Parade
Yesterday the hours of hard work we had put into making our masks and practicing our dance moves all paid off. The final result of our Alice n Wonderland theme was amazing! From the cute little bunny rabbits of Kowhai, to the Cheshire Cats of Pohutakawa, Eat Me and Drink me from Te Pouahi, the shuffling cards from Totara and last but not least the Mad Hatters from Kahikatea. Seven Sharp from TV One were also at the Masked Parade. Check out our very own Charle being interviewed and Torfun from Totara.
Check out our Facebook page for more photos
03 October 2013
Popping Party and MadHatters
In the last week of term we worked hard on two projects. We finally completed our masks for the Nelson Masked Parade. Our Madhatter hats look fabulous! We can't wait to see how the rest of our schools Alice in Wonderland theme comes together.
We also had a lot of fun writing popcorn poetry. Our poems were free verse poems which we all enjoyed writing. We think you should Pop on in to check them out!
21 September 2013
Painting, pop-ups and planets!
It has been all go this week in Room 5. We have been working hard on several big projects.
This week we spent a bit of time painting and completing the first steps for the annual Nelson Mask Parade. Our school wide theme is Alice in Wonderland and our syndicate are the Mad hatters. Our masks are beginning to take shape and we can't wait to have them completed.
We finished our pop-up book this week. Our book titled Room 5's voyage into space gone wrong is a faction. Brenda taught us that a faction is a mixture between fiction and faction. We all worked very hard typing up the text on the computer and then adding our pictures and 3D elements. Our book was launched to our parents on Friday with a round of applause.
On Friday afternoon we also presented our planet presentations. This was the result of a lot of hard work researching the information and then using it to create a google presentation. Sally was very impressed as we all presented them to an audience of over 40 people. You can check out our presentations on our blogs.
10 September 2013
Popular Planets!!!
A few weeks ago Sally told us that we were studying planets.We got to work straight to work. First Sally put us in groups. Then Sally asked us to look up facts on the computer and in books. Next we
blew up a ballon and started paper mashe. Sally was so happy with our posative adatude.
Then we finished our paper mashe we walked to the end of nile street while lineing our planets
in order
by Cooper and Charlotte
06 September 2013
Diamante poems
We have been learning to write diamante poems in class. Here are two poems. The first one is by Austin and Charle
Lonely, Sad.
Begging, Sighing, Camping.
Crying, Sleeping, Money, Grand Cars.
Teasing, Grinning, Celebrating.
Happy, Rolls Royce.
Here is another by Jasper and Ben
Colossal, Galaxy.
Diving, Swimming, Snorkling.
Cold, Slippery, Liquid, See through.
Kayaking, Playing, Jumping.
Bright, Glimmery.
Blog Post By Oliver F and Jasper.
30 August 2013
Kahikatea Cake Stall
Today we had a Kahikatea Cake Stall to fundraise for camp. Sylvie and Emily decided that they wanted to make homemade lemonade. They went to a lot of trouble as you can tell! Well Done Kahikatea as we raised $495.10. Nearly halfway to the $1,100 we need to raise.
Free Choice Writing
On Thursday this week in writing Sally gave us a free choice writing session. Some of us wrote comics, others of us wrote emails to our parents and some of us wrote raps.
Haiku poem by Caleb
Haiku poem by Caleb
The world !!!
The world is so big.
We have a core it's so hot.
The world is so grate.
Rap by Theo and Ed
Poetry Podcasts
Hi Room 5,
Here is the link for the poetry podcasts. This is going to be one of our activities in reading next week.
16 August 2013
Sally is proud!
We have had an awesome week of learning and activity in Room 5! On Monday we had lots of teachers from Beijing spend the day in our school. Sally was very impressed and proud of how we were all so focussed even with lots of people coming and going throughout the day.
On Wednesday we started creating our paper mache planets to create a class solar system. We are trying to make our model to scale so some of our planets are the size of a balloon, whilst others are smaller than a marble! Sally was proud of how well we all worked together helping each other out. We also worked hard in our groups researching our planet.
On Thursday we were treated to a performance by te Te Pouahi Kapa Haka group. The put on a dress rehearsal for us as they performed today at a competition in Blenheim. And to end the week we had fun during buddy time skipping with our little buddies!
On Wednesday we started creating our paper mache planets to create a class solar system. We are trying to make our model to scale so some of our planets are the size of a balloon, whilst others are smaller than a marble! Sally was proud of how well we all worked together helping each other out. We also worked hard in our groups researching our planet.
On Thursday we were treated to a performance by te Te Pouahi Kapa Haka group. The put on a dress rehearsal for us as they performed today at a competition in Blenheim. And to end the week we had fun during buddy time skipping with our little buddies!
09 August 2013
Our exciting awesome week!
Written by Room 5 and Sally
02 August 2013
Term 3 begins with a blast!
What a great start to Term 3 we have had. On Monday Sally was nearly knocked to the ground by all the hugs she received! She has loved being back in Room 5 and seeing all her friends again.
This term we have a bit of a space theme going on. As part of our inquiry topic we are learning all about Space. During ICT this week we brainstormed what we knew, key words and any questions we had. Check out our brainstorms below. We also had fun in drama as we recieved a letter from the U.S. President informing us that they were just about to launch the first mission to the moon and required our help!
24 July 2013
18 April 2013
Busy, busy, busy!!!
Wow, what a fun filled last two days we have had!
On Thursday morning we were lucky enough to have Oliver's baby rats come and visit us. They were super cute and friendly! Oliver taught us all about caring for them.
On Thursday afternoon we opened up our Zany Zoo to the public. We have spent the last couple of weeks designing a 3D animal that fits into the classification of an animal group. We then showed them to the rest of our syndicate and invited our parents in to see them.
Today we had a party day in Room 5. This was both the end result of our Statistics unit (see earlier post) and a farewell party for Sally as she is off travelling in Term 2. Jenny Dron will be our teacher. As surveyed by one group of children the most popular theme was a beach theme. Lots of us had fun dressing up. Here we are doing the hoola!
15 April 2013
Week 11
Wow the term is quickly coming to an end and what a week we had in Week 11. In Maths we have been focusing on Statistics As part of it we are planning a farewell party for Sally as she is having Term 2 off to travel around Europe. We have each chosen a topic to survey in order to plan a great farewell party. We are surveying different things like our favourite party games, party theme, flavours of fizzy, lollies and so on. Some of us chose to make voting boxes, others are interviewing and some of us have even created surveys on the computer using google docs!
On Friday we also had lots of fun blowing bubbles with our little buddies from Room 10. Their poem that week had been all about bubbles. Check out more photos on our class facebook page. Room 5 Class Facebook Page
On Friday we also had lots of fun blowing bubbles with our little buddies from Room 10. Their poem that week had been all about bubbles. Check out more photos on our class facebook page. Room 5 Class Facebook Page
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