20 December 2011

Happy Christmas!

To celebrate the end of the year we had water tabloid sports and a water fight.  The water fight was really exciting and the teachers got soaked from head to toe!

We made Christmas shaped biscuits.  The next day we got to ice them and eat them.  We also celebrated Christmas by making stockings and doing secret santa's.

We hope you've enjoyed reading our blog this year and....

15 December 2011

Picnic Time!

On Thursday Rm5 had an inside picnic at the art center it was also with Rm11 our buddy class.We ate our lunch and watched a movie.We made huts out of blankets and table.We were going to go to the Cathedral but it was raining so we had it inside.
By Ellie and Nikkita

09 December 2011

Jungle Dance

This term we have had a jungle theme to our dance unit.  First we discussed all the different animals that we might find in the jungle and explored different ways that they might move.  At the end of our unit we created a jungle themed dance.  We had to think carefully about our movements and the mood we wanted to create by our choice of music.  Check out the videos below to see what we created during our last lesson.

08 December 2011

Living Greenhouse

On Tuesday the 6th we had a plant presentation. We called it the living green house. Room6 did it with us. Room 5 and 6 kids had stickers as buttons on their knees. People had to touch the buttons and then we had to stand on our chairs and say what we had written on their checks. Everyone had to talk about the plant they studied.It was fun.

Written by Mika and Jagreet

06 December 2011

Pack da Bus!

Yesterday the 5th of December all of Nelson Central School went out to the front field for a very exciting event. A big Christmas Bus came to our school as part of the Fifeshire Foundation 'Pack da Bus' promotion. We were helping people who don't have much money by giving them toys and food for Christmas. We collected a total of 603 items. We had fun singing our school song and Christmas Songs with Jonty Bowater.

01 December 2011


On Monday Room 5 and Room 8 went to Teapot Valley Christian Camp for a night. We had lots of fun playing on the activities. One of the activities was the maze, lots of us had fun in the maze. Another activity was the mini-jeep. It kept breaking down on us, but eventually it got fixed. After the camp concert we had a possum hunt. Everyone was running around really crazily looking for possums. Sadly two people broke bones on camp, but thankfully Mackenzie was able to join us for the camp concert. We can't wait for our camps again next year.
Written By Room 5

Mika and Luca's Camp Slideshow on PhotoPeachMaddy and Ranita's camp slideshow on PhotoPeachTorfun and Sophies camp slide show on PhotoPeach

25 November 2011

Suter trip

On Thursday Room 5 went to the Suter Art Gallery. We were making clay angels. First we made the body then the head then the wings. To make the angels we had to scratch, wet and wiggle.

For the wings and the body we designed patterns and shapes. The clay had to be as thick as a pencil. We had to listen very carefully to the instructions so we wouldn't make a mistake. Before we made the angels Room 5 went to have a look at some of the other clay models. We can't wait until we get them back so we can paint them! We can't wait until we know what we are doing next time.

By Nico and Ebony

Suter - Term 4 on PhotoPeach

24 November 2011

Camp Requirement List

Requirement List for Overnight Camp at Teapot Valley

Your child will need the following:

· Morning tea and lunch for day 1

· A contribution of baking for morning tea/supper etc

· cuddly toy

· 2 or 3 changes of clothes

· raincoat

· warm jersey/sweatshirt

· sneakers

· sleeping bag, pillow, pyjamas

· toothbrush, toothpaste

· 2 towels, flannel, comb, soap

· Swimsuit

· small torch

· plastic bag for wet clothes/flannel

· sun hat and sun screen

Please don’t send any lollies or money. Radios, tape decks, electronic games and cellphones are not allowed.

21 November 2011

On Friday we entered in the Nelson A&P Show. We entered in the fruit and vegetable novelty and the decorated biscuit sections. We had lots of fun creating our entries. We were glad when Sally said that we could decorate two biscuits and eat the one we weren't entering. Thank you to all the parents who helped us out.

Results from our class

Year 0-6 Decorated biscuit
Torfun - Highly commended

Year 4-6 Fruit and Vegetable Creation
Mackenzie - 5th
Ebony - Highly Commended
Aria - Highly Commended
Ella - Highly Commended

11 November 2011


Yesterday Room 5 went to Tennis. Suzanne showed use some neat skills like bouncing the ball and hitting. Afterwards we played Champs and Chimps. We chose buddies then we started to play. Some people were champs the whole time while others stayed as chimps. We had to swap courts and places lots.
Tennis is fun.

By Ben & Aria

28 October 2011


Our brainstorms about seeds using Inspiration

Flower Power!

This term our topic is Flower Power. We are learning all about plants and in particular their reproduction.  

To kick off our topic this week we have had lots of fun.  First we played 'Guess the Seed' competition.  Then we created our own cress head people and planted sweet pea seeds.  We look forward to watching them germinate and grow.

We also had some interesting conversations about seeds.  Did you know that the stone in the middle of an avocado is actually a seed?  We also came up with some interesting questions after talking about the factors that all living things do. Can you help us with these?

- How do plants go to the toilet?
- How do plants breathe?
- How do plants move?

07 October 2011

We Won!

So stoked to announce that we took out the Supreme Award tonight at the Nelson Mask Parade.
With around 400 children decked out in masks with were a sight not to be missed!

The theme was the 'Playful Pacific'
Nelson Central School represented the 4 elements of earth, fire, water and air paddling together in one waka.

Fun day Friday!

Today we had a great day to celebrate the end of term.  It began when we joined the most of the other syndicates to listen to author Ben Brown and illustrator Helen Taylor share some of their stories and the process that they go through to create their books.  

Next we had a treasure hunt.  During Maths we have been learning about position and orientation.  We had to draw a map of the junior playground and then write instructions for our buddy to find the treasure we had hidden for them.

 After this we presented our plays that we had been working on all week.  We worked hard to become fluent with our lines and in creating our props and costumes.
Aria dressed as an astronaut 

To end the day we had a whole school dress rehearsal in front of our parents for the mask parade tonight.  Sadly we had to farewell Greer who is moving to Henley School.  We wish her all the best as she settles into her new class.

06 October 2011

Rugby World Cup

Today the Kahikatea Syndicate had a fun rugby themed tabloid sports competition.  We were all divided up into 10 different Rugby World Cup team countries.  We then rotated around 5 stations competing in fun activities.  Some of the activities involved dressing up in Rugby clothing, carrying a rugby ball on a plate over an obstacle course and doing the crab walk with ball on our stomach.  Congratulations to the Samoan team who won topped the scores both in the games and courtesy points!

Ellie's Bunny Visits

Yesterday we were lucky enough to have a visit from Ellie's baby bunny rabbit.  Ellie was very excited to learn last Friday after school that her Mum had bought her and a sister a baby bunny rabbit each.  She decided to call her Tansy.  Tansy seemed to enjoy checking us all out on her visit to our classroom.  Thank you for bringing Tansy into our classroom Ellie.

05 October 2011


On Friday we went to Nelson Intermediate to do gym. We learnt other ways to land on our feet and things that we had not done before. Mackenzie even did her first forward roll. I think every body had lots of fun.  

Written by Holly

01 October 2011

What a week!


What a week we've had this week.  On Monday we made mouse traps as part of instruction writing.  We thought that they were really yummy.  We've been working hard on our masks and our performance for the ready for the Mask Parade next Friday night.  We'd love for you to come and support us from 5.30 onward.  During reading we read instructions.  On Thursday we got to create the items.  Some of us made rice hacky-sacks, others of us made newspaper kimonos and the rest of us followed instructions to make paper cups.  And then to wrap up the week we went to Nelson Intermediate Gym and had an amazing session there.  

Suter Art Gallery Visit

On 23rd of September Room 5 went to the Suter Art Gallery.  The exhibition was called Corbelletto. At the exhibition there were lots of different sculptures that were all made from the same shape.  In our groups Esther said that we could make our own pattern with only one shape.We tried about ten different patterns until Esther said find the best pattern.When we decided upon the best pattern we started to glue them on to create our own piece of art.

Written by Sophie and Ellie

20 September 2011

Rugby World Cup Parade

Written by Ranita and Kaiyah                                             

Today on the 20th of October, we went to the front field and waved our flags and shouted, 'Go All-Blacks'!  This parade was before the reenactment of the first Rugby Game held in NZ at Trafalgar Park.  There was heaps of people marching down the loud exciting street giving us high-fives.  There where HUNDREDS of people from boys college. We also saw some horses and people being towed in fancy carriages.


16 September 2011

In Maths we have learning all about time. Today we learnt about the knuckle trick to remember how many days are in each month of the year. We watched this video to help us learn as Sally was also learning alongside us.

Bubble Mixture Instructions

On 15 of September Room 5 made bubble mixture. Here is how you can make it at home. Written by Sophie

  • 1 table spoon of glycerine
  • 1 cup of detergent
  • Half a cup of water

  • Bowl
  • Bubble blowers
  • Measuring cups

1. Pour 1 table spoon of glycerine into the bowl.
2. Pour 1 cup of detergent into the bowl.
3. Mix the mixture for about 15 seconds.
4. Add half a cup of water to the mixture.
5. Get the bubble blowers and start blowing bubbles.

Don't forget to have fun

09 September 2011

The dress up

Yesterday Nelson Central School dressed up.as the rugby team they are supporting in the Rugby World Cup. Some of us thought that we were the Small Blacks.  We were fundraising for the Wainoni School in Christchurch who suffered damage during the recent earthquakes. Sally took pictures of people that dressed up as their favourite rugby world cup team.  Written by Aidan

Gymnastics 2011

 Gymnastics is fun.
By Aria and Ella

30 August 2011

Fashion Designers for George!

As part of our inquiry topic 'Stick It' we have been exploring fastenings, and in particular fastenings on clothes.  This last week we became fashion designers for  our class mascot George the monkey.  First we had to decide on what we were going to make for him (or his imaginary sister Georgina).  Our ideas ranged from Soccer Shirts, dresses, t-shirts, vests, bow-ties to  tail warmers!  Then we had to draw our design and decide how our clothing would be fastened.  Then Melissa, one of our kind parents came in and helped us sew them.  Sally thinks we did a fab job and enjoyed seeing people problem-solving and learning new skills.

26 August 2011

Calendar Art

Here is the artwork we created for the Calendar Art Fundraising. Come into class to check out the hard copy of the artworks. Order forms for the art will be coming out soon!

Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue!

This week we finally got to go and visit the exhibition Something, Old, New, Borrow and Blue at the Suter after being rained off last term. We explored the great variety of artwork on display and Esther talked to us about a number of the different pieces. then we created a piece of art based upon our observations of the artwork.

13 August 2011

Sorry its been a long time since we lasted posted on.  Here are some of the things that we have been up to lately.
We began soccer coaching sessions with George from Nelson Football.
We are lucky enough to have six sessions with him throughout this term

During the recent buddy time we helped our little buddies from Room 11 with their skipping.  Our little buddies had to hold onto our waists whilst we turned the rope.  We had to help them try and jump at the right moment

This term our topic is called 'Stick It'.  We are exploring all the different ways things are fastened.  Then we will explore fastenings suitable for masks as we build up to the mask parade at the end of this term.  To kick off this unit the teachers acted out the story
 of the The 3 Little Pigs.  Following this Sally set us the challenge of creating a house suitable for a 4th little pig.  She gave us 1m of masking tape, 15 sheets of newspaper, some staples and stapler, gluesticks and PVA glue. 

There were many interesting and creative designs.  Some designs worked well and others not so well.  Here we are creating!