28 February 2012


We have enjoyed singing this song in class. We thought you might like to sing and dance to it too!

School Pincic

Last night Nelson Central School had a school picnic.  Room 1 were fundraising with a cake stall for their school camp.  Molly and Lucy also helped sell juicies for the school community group.  After dinner there were sack races, egg and spoon races and a tug of war.  The picnic was awesome!  
Written by Room 5 and Sally  

24 February 2012

What a day!

What a day we've had today!  After morning tea Sally set us a challenge as part of our inquiry topic.  She put us into teams with a range of challenges to complete.  These included tasks like shooting a basketball hoop, running a lap of the field, spelling a tricky word, basic facts challenge, arranging a tangram.  We then had to decide which member of our team was going to complete each challenge.  We had to think carefully about our strengths.

After lunch we had fun watching the Rocking Rhinos reading group sail the boats the created.  They designed and built them after reading a book about some children who created boats as part of their reading this week. 

To end the day we had fun with our little buddies writing with paintbrushes and water on the concrete.  Wow, what a busy day we had today!

23 February 2012

Congratulations Dillon

This week we elected our Kahikatea Ambassadors for the Student Council.  We elected one boy and one girl to represent our Year 3/4 syndicate.  We are very proud in Room 5 that our very own Dillon was elected as the male representative on the council.  Way to Go Dillon!

17 February 2012

Personal Best

 This term our inquiry topic is called 'Personal Best'.  One of our lines of inquiry are 'Combining different strengths creates more enterprising teams'.  To kick start off this topic Sally put us into teams and we had to create the tallest free standing newspaper structure to hold a large dice using just 6 sheets of newspaper, a pair of scissors and 1 metre of masking tape.
To make this even more difficult we each had different criteria placed on us.

Person 1 – Could only use on hand
Person 2 – Couldn’t talk
Person 3- Only person who could touch the masking tape
Person 4- Only person who could touch the scissors.

Some of our Thoughts...
I found it frustrating because I couldn’t touch the scissors and had to rip the masking tape in other ways.

It was tricky to roll up paper with one hands. Molly You could use your foot to help you.  Willem
  As a result of carrying out this challenge we found that we had to draw on different people's strengths and their resources

Kahikatea Tryathalon

At the start we waited to get our numbers called out to be put in our teams. Then the swimmers lined up and Jo said "On your marks, get set, Go!" The swimmers ran up really fast to the pool, they raced into the pool and swam two lengths of the pool. Then the swimmers tagged the runners. The runners set off, ran down the hill and did one big lap of the front field. Next they tagged the scooterers and off the scootereres went. They did two laps of the front courts. Finally the tryathalon was finished and we could have our lunch. We were all hot and sweaty, but we had fun!
Written by Room 5

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10 February 2012

Kahikatea News

Kahikatea News


Today we had lots of fun in Room 5.  We had a fun swimming session as there were three classes sharing the swimming pool as the little pool is not yet fixed.  We then went our buddy class and played with them in the junior playground.  We will buddy up with them next time when there are a few more children in Room 11.

09 February 2012

Class Charter

Here is our class charter that we have worked hard to construct together. It focusses on the rights and responsibilities that we have in Room 5. 2012 Class Charter


Have you liked our Facebook page yet? Check it out to see what we got up to today in Room 5.  Click below to go to it.

*Please remember that Facebook accounts should only be held by those aged 13 years or older

01 February 2012

First Day!

So today was the first day of the school year at Nelson Central School.  We have 25 children in our class.  This year things are opposite to last year.  We have 17 boys in our class and just 8 girls!