27 June 2014

Matariki Celebrations

Today we celebrated Matariki, the Maori New Year at Nelson Central School.  In Kahikatea we spent the morning rotation around a range of activities. these including making Matariki stars, playing traditional games such as string games and an outdoor game called Te Uru and using Rako.  We then had shared kai for lunch.  In the afternoon we had a whole school celebration assembly.  Our syndicate performed the Jump Jam song Kotahitanga. Check us out below! 

20 June 2014

Getting crafty and creative

Yesterday we have had a bit of fun getting crafty and creative and our afternoon evolved into our own little discovery time..

Whilst we were printing our robots  Sally gave us some choosing time.  The Cheeky Crocodiles carried on making their traditional Maori kites which they had started as part of their reading activity.  Sally was very impressed how they persisted and overcame some of the challenges they faced.

A group of children made their own crazy loom bracelets and necklaces.  Ella S was extremely generous sharing out her bands with others.  Again Sally was very impressed at how they were all relating to others, our current key competency focus.  There was lots of great co-operation and negotiation.


Some boys decided to make paper aeroplanes.  They quickly discovered that the smaller ones flew further than the larger ones.  They had lots of fun making smaller and smaller ones to see which one flew the furthest.  

13 June 2014

Cross Country

Today the big day finally arrived.... our annual school cross-country. We had been training hard for six weeks for the event. After a rainy week it turned out a beautiful winter's day. We all did our best and Sally was proud of us all and the effort we put in. 

 Well done to Room 5's place getters. 
Year 3 Girls 
2nd - Klara 
5th - Ruby M 
6th - Anna 
 7th - Emilia 
8th - Amba 

Year 3 Boys 
2nd - Cullen 
10th - Lucus 

Year 4 Girls 
1st - Floss 
3rd - Tavie 
7th - Cooper 
8th - Ruby R

06 June 2014

A is for Art, B is for Booklets, C is for Cross Country

A is for Art. This week we finished off our start prints. We made our blocks by drawing a star design and then indenting the shape by poking lots of little holes in it using the end or our pencil. We think they look pretty cool all mounted and on display. 

 B is for Booklets This week we also finished our little Information Report booklets on our chosen animal. We learnt how to find images using Google that are not under copyright laws. 

 C is for Cross Country We have continued to train hard for our cross country which is just a week away. We are getting faster and fitter each week.