31 August 2012

Going to the Suter

Our class went to the Suter on Thursday. We made these really cool masks. We put different coloured
paper on them. Then we made little animals and stuck them on. 

Esther said that we  shall cut out feathers and stick them  on the outside. We saw
lots of cool black and white paintings. The Suter trip with Esther was amazing.   
By Paige

28 August 2012

Making ice cream!!!

We tried making this at school, however, it didn't quite turn out.
Some of the reasons we think it didn't turn out were:
- We used bags instead of jars
- We used only 1T of rock salt and 1T of normal salt
- We went outside whilst we were shaking up the mixture because we were making a mess inside and it was too warm and melted the ice-cream

You will need:

1. A large jar with a lid.
2. A smaller jar [with a tight-fitting lid] that would fit inside the larger one.
3. A spoon.
4.A hand towel.
5.1/2 cup of fresh whipping cream.
6.2 table spoons of sugar.
7.A few drops [no more then 1/4 of a teaspoon]of vanilla essence.
8.2 table spoons of rock salt.
9.Ice cubes.

How to make it

In the small jars you firstly put a small amount of the cream and the sugar in. Wait until the sugar dissolves. Then add the rest of the cream and the vanilla essence. Leave a two centimeter gap at the top of the jar. Make sure the lid is on tightly.

Now to make the freezers.

Break ice into small pieces, put some of it into the big jar. Now place the small jar on the ice. Then add more ice to cover it up. Lastly sprinkle salt over the ice. After that screw the lid on tightly.

Wriggle the jar back and forward for four minutes then leave it for one minute. Do this five times.

27 August 2012

Hokey Pokey

How to make Hokey Pokey 

You will need:
2 tablespoons of golden syrup.
4 tablespoons of sugar
1 teaspoons baking soder

1. Grease a tray with butter.
2. Put the golden syrup and sugar into a saucepan together until the sugar has dissolved.
3. Once the mixture is bubbling let it bubble away for seven minutes (This is important or it won't set nice and crunchy gooey hokey pokey isn't easy to eat)
4. Take it off the heat stir in the baking soda and then (very speedily) spread it into the greased tray.
5. Let it set.  It should start  to set immediately.

Fizzy Lemonade

Here is Recipe 1 we made as part of our inquiry topic and reading.  We especially enjoyed it when Sally opened the last bottle and it sprayed us all!

How to make fizzy lemonade:
You will need:
A clean 2 litre plastic bottle with a screw on cap.
Three lemons
A cup of sugar
A little bit of granulated yeast
A jug for pouring.
1. Put the sugar into the jug. Add some hot water from the tap and stir it all until the sugar has dissolved.

2. Cut the lemons in half and squeeze them into the jug too pour the mixture into your bottle then add cold water until the bottle is almost full. Leave about five centimetres of space at the top.

3. Now add the yeast about a quarter of a teaspoon will do.This is what makes the mixture fizz.Screw the cap on tightly and tip the bottle to mix everything .

4. The lemonade needs time to become fizzy.Leave it for at least four days.A place that is not too hot and not too cold is best.

You can tell if the lemonade is fizzy by squeezing the bottle.It is ready if the bottle feels quite hard.Before you open it put it in the fridge for a few hours.


20 August 2012

Adverbs Song

We are learning to write descriptions in writing at the moment. As part of this we have been learning to include adverbs. We think this song about adverbs is great!

17 August 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

What a week we've had. On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have Ella Middleton from Nelson Intermediate come and share with us her book that she wrote and illustrated with a classmate. Her book was amazing!  Ella was very confident sharing it and Sally even thought that she could have left Ella in charge for the rest of the day!

 On Tuesday we also had fun exploring whether different substances dissolve in both hot and cold water. We found that the sand didn't dissolve in either water, but the custard powder dissolved in both the hot and cold water.

Today we had fun during Maths running our own little shopping centre.  The division dinosaurs set up shop and then the rest of us were able to purchase things from their shop. Sally gave us each a budget that we had to try and stick to. We had to work out how much we spent and how much money we had left in our piggy bank!

We also had fun making fizzy lemonade today. One of the reading groups read an article about how to make the lemonade. We look forward to seeing how the solids and liquids combine together and turn into a gas and make our lemonade fizzy!

10 August 2012


On Wednesday we were lucky enough to go and visit the latest exhibition at the Museum, SOS (Save our Snails).  This exhibition was put together by Jack's Grandma and Grandfather all about the Powelliphanta,  the giant endemic land snails found mainly in our region.  The exhibition included a large model handmade by Jack's Grandfather.  We learnt all about their habitat, predators and their physical features.  


In writing we are learning to describe.  This week we were learning to describe an event.  As a class we played Sardines. Check out Jack's description of the event.

In Room 5 we had a nerve wracking challenge.  We had to find Sophie somewhere in the adventure playground.  We had no idea where Sophie was.  She was as hard to find as a needle in a haystack.

I was moving wisely as an owl.  I saw flashes of colour.  Others were rushing around frantically trying to find Sophie.  In the end we all found her.  After the game I was all wet.

States of matter

As part of our inquiry topic Fizz, Bang, Pop!  we have been exploring the different states of matter and how they change.  For this weeks homework the task was to carry out a science experiment in which a change of state of matter occurred.  Dillon decided to film his experiment.  Check it out below.

06 August 2012

Solid, liquid, gas

They Might Be Giants - Solid Liquid Gas from They Might Be Giants on Vimeo.

Today in Room 5 we had an interesting discussion.  We came up with an awesome analogy.

We are like a solid when we are at assembly because we are squished in tightly together and we don’t move much.

We are like a liquid in the classroom because we’re allowed a little bit of movement.  We move around in the small area provided.

We are like a gas at morning tea and lunch time because we run around crazy where ever we like.  

Check out this great video  that explains all about solids, liquids, gasses

03 August 2012

Harold the giraffe

On Wedensday and Thursday we went to the Life Education Bus. We learnt about the human body. First we learnt about the kidneys then the brain then the small intestines and the big ones then the stomach then finally the heart. We watched some movies that harold the giraffe made. We said what we liked about our personality. There was a talking brain which was freaky. 
By Nico and Jack

Trip to the suter

On Thursday 2nd of the 8th we went to the Suter to learn about clothing.  We looked at all the different reasons we wear clothes.  We made figures using the material we had given to us.  By Ben P, Austin and Sally

02 August 2012

Chocolate Description

Last week Sally bought us a box of Favourites mini chocolate bars.  We each picked one out of the bag.  We then had to describe it using our senses.  Check out the great similes that Grace used when describing her bar. Can you work out which chocolate Grace got?

It looks swirly like my dog’s fur.
It sounds crinkly like opening fish n chips.
It feels as hard as my bones.
It tastes like a gooey worm in my mouth.
It smells like caramello muffins.
What chocolate am I?