15 December 2015

Happy Holidays

We've had a fun week in Room 5 celebrating the end of the year.

On Monday we had our class party as a result of our Statistics investigations in Maths. We especially loved the ice-cream cake and fruit salad that we enjoyed.

On Tuesday we had our Kahikatea Big Day Out with a trip to the Botanics, shared kai and our annual water fight.

This will be Sally's last post from Room 5 as next year she is moving to Room 2 to teach Year 5/6.

11 December 2015

Fun filled week!

What a week we have had this week!

On Monday we kick started our week by completing the final preparations for our Kahikatea Market Day. We finally got to make the jelly that we had been working towards designing packaging and marketing all term.

On Monday night a number of children performed at the Summer Sounds Choir Concert at Founders Park.  There was a surprise performance by a Brass Band who were very cool!

On Tuesday all our hard work paid off when we set up our Jumping Jelly Store.  Our jelly all sold out within 10 minutes!  We made over $60 profit with some of it going towards a class party and the remaining going towards the SPCA.

On Tuesday we also had a visit from Ellie from Broadgreen Historic House. We learnt all about how children in the Victorian time celebrated Christmas.  We learnt that their advent calendars weren't filled with chocolate, but rather with chores like chopping wood and even emptying the potty!

On Tuesday and Wednesday we were lucky enough to visit Ingrid and Harold from Life Education.  We learnt about empathy and being a good friend.

To end the week we had our annual Kahikatea Athletics Day where we competed in shotput, sprints, long jump, high jump and relays. 
What a week!

04 December 2015

Fun, fun, fun!

Today we were treated to a performance from a Brass Band. Our very own Ned and Lachlan were performing with the band.  Way to go boys!

We've enjoyed swimming again this week.  We even had a couple of sessions swimming in the rain.  Here are some of us having a piggyback race.

Our focus this week has been on Statistics in Maths.  As part of this we are planning a class party. We have surveyed our classmates using a variety of means and then tallied up our results to help plan the party.  Look out for more photos soon.

In Room 5 when Sally is reading a book we are allowed to massage our friends. One day this week quite a large massage train was formed with Sally at the front! Let's just say this was Sally's highlight of the day!

27 November 2015

Week 7

This week we have been busy preparing for the Kahikata Market Day where we are going to be selling jelly.  We have been busy designing posters, packaging, stall layout and much more!  We voted to call our company Jumping Jelly with our profits going towards a class party and the SPCA.  Check back later to see our progress.

Congratulations to a number of students who won awards at the A&P Show last weekend. Below are their amazing creations.

The Terrific Tigers recently undertook their own research project on an animal of their choice. Check out Riley and Amba's presentation that they made without any support!

20 November 2015

Camp and the A&P Show

Wow what fun we have had in Room 5 in the last week.

Last week we were lucky enough to go to Bridge Valley for an overnight camp wi
th the rest of our syndicate. We had a blast caving, kayaking, cooking damper, water sliding, orienteering and so much more. Check out some pics below!

Sally Russ's Slidely Gallery by Slidely Photo Gallery

Today we decorated biscuits to enter in the Nelson A&P Show.  View our awesome entries below!

A&P Show 2015 on PhotoPeach

06 November 2015

Well done girls!

Today some of the girls from our class entered in a Nelson Primary Schools Gymnastics Compeition. Overall their team earned a bronze medal. Well done Amba who won the Individual Gold medal.

This week during Reading Room 5 has read articles about reptiles.  We have been learning about the comprehension strategy of summarising so some of the children use a cool app called Chatterpix to summarise some key information.  Check out Lucio's one below about the Nile Crocodile.

30 October 2015

I wish I was....

Today at NCS we supported the Make a Wish foundation by dressing up. The theme was I wish I was... We raised $250 for this great organisation.  Way to go NCS!

Amba wished she was still in bed!  Check out Leo's amazing Iron Man costume.  His Dad is pretty talented making his mask.

Sally our teacher always wanted to be a teacher.  But she wishes she was like Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus who takes her class on amazing adventures!

Yesterday we were treated to a performance by the Te Pouahi Kapahaka Group. They are off to Palmerston North next week for the National Kapahaka competition.  All the best Te Pouahi!

This week in writing we have been learning to write Acrostic Poems.
Here is an amazing poem that Riley wrote.

Animals hiding in caves or behind
Rocks that are
Top to bottom
In snow.
Cracked chunks of ice float into the distance away from the snowy waste land.

23 October 2015

Masked Parade

Last week we participated in the Nelson Masked Parade.  Well done to Nayland Primary who won the overall supreme award.  Check out photos and video from the event

NCS Mask Parade 2015 by Slidely Slideshow

We are lucky enough to have Ben and Andre from Nelson tennis in at school coaching us at the moment.  Thanks to Amaya for taking these picture of us in action.

16 October 2015

Excitement at NCS!

On Monday we had a powhiri to welcome our new Principal Pip Wells to our school.  We sung a waiata and lots of people spoke in Maori.  Children from Pip's last school, Tasman School and other friends and family came with Pip as well. After the powhiri the adults had a special morning tea.

Today is the Mask Parade. Our school theme is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We are the swirlypops from Willy Wonka's Factory.  Look out for us tonight at the Masked Parade and check back here for more photos and videos soon!

25 September 2015

S is for symmetry

Can you work out what we have been learning all about in Maths this week?  We'll give you a clue. It starts with S...... it's symmetry!
We had fun learning about symmetry in lots of different ways. Our favourite ways were decorating biscuits, getting arty and going on a symmetry hunt around the school with the IPads.  
We also talked about rotation, reflection and translation. Check out this song we used to help us remember these words.

As it was the last week of term we also performed plays.  Here is Lily as a native NZ bird up in her tree

18 September 2015

Our week!

Highlights from our week

This week in Maths we have been learning about maps and directions.  As part of this we drew maps of our classroom and then wrote instructions to find some treasure.  I wonder what our treasure was?

In reading we continued reading instructions.  Each reading group then on Thursday got to get creative and follow the instructions.  Two groups made special rotating Keep out Signs for their bedrooms, another group made Wrist wrappers and the last group had the difficult task of breading friendship bracelets.

We also carried on working on our masks this week for the mask parade. We got all sparkly adding the glitter to our lollypops!


10 September 2015

Crafty and Creative

We've had a week of being crafty and creative.

As part of literacy we have been both reading and writing instructions.  Here is one group of students getting creative following instructions to make rocking cards.

In ICT we had lots of fun creating our own animations using Lego Movie Maker.

We also stated making our masks for the annual Nelson Masked Parade.  Our school wide theme is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and our syndicate are making lollypop masks.

We weren't just crafty and creative this week however.  On Wednesday we enjoyed another session with George from Nelson Soccer and our second gymnastics session.