25 July 2014

Fun filled week

We have started Term 3 with a bang. This term in writing we are focussing on noticing, observing and describing. On Wednesday Sally brought in a box of favourites. We had to notice, observe and describe these using our five senses. We then tried to guess what chocolate our friends had by reading their description. Can you guess which chocolate Ella M had? 

It looks as rectangle as a pool. 
It sounds like crinkles from packets of chips. 
It smells yummy like marshmallows. 
It tastes like cherries and strawberries in chocolate. 
It feels as bumpy as the Mars planet. 
What chocolate am I? 

 We also spent part of a lesson noticing and observing from the front of our school. Check out this great descriptive poem that Tavie wrote. 

 Cars zoom as they find their way around town. 
Trees stand and wave their branches. 
Seagulls fly looking for food. 
People talk in confusing languages. 

 In Maths we have been learning about translation, reflection and rotation. We found this song helpful helping us to remember what each word means.  

We also had fun creating artwork to show what they each mean.

This term our inquiry topic is 'Water is life'
We know that we are very lucky in NZ to be able to access nice clean water out of the taps.  Some children are not so lucky and have to go and fetch water.  We had a little taste of this when Sally sent us a bit of a challenge to carry a big bucket of water around a loop in the school grounds.  Whilst we thought it was fun at the time Sally wonders if we would actually like to have to do it everyday!

In art we are are focussing on collage.  This week we created these beautiful rainbows using the technique called chipping. Check out Andre's one below.

03 July 2014

Are you prepared??

This term as part of our inquiry we have been learning all about Natural Disasters.  We have discussed how people's rights are affected as a result of natural disaster.  

One way that we can be prepared if there is a natural disaster is to have a survival kit.  When we began our topic most of us thought that we should have fresh fruit and frozen veges in our survival kit.  However, we wouldn't advise you to have these things now.  Check out our video to find out what we think you should have in a survival kit.