26 June 2015

Hide and Go Seek!

Last week we had lots of fun playing Hide and Seek.  Little did we know that Sally would then use as a story starter. 
Check out some of our great descriptive sentences.

The floor was covered with leaves like a fresh coat of snow – Amba
 I was still as a statue and quiet like a mouse.  Leo
I was camouflaged.  Hemdini

This week we also had discovery time.  Some of us had fun making and running our own restaurants. Check out Tyler's menu below.

We ended the week with Pyjama Day.  We were raising money for new school sports equipment.

19 June 2015

Happy Matariki

This week we celebrated Matariki, the Maori New Year at Nelson Central School.  On Thursday as a syndicate we shared kai together.

Today Te Pouahi cooked a hangi that some of us enjoyed.  We enjoyed watching the hangi being lifted and were amazed at how many layers there were on top of the food. 

As a syndicate we also enjoyed moving from class to class to participate in a range of Matariki related activities.  This afternoon we had a special whole school Matariki assembly.  The Kahikatea syndicate sung the waiata Purei Nei at it.

Happy Matariki from Room 5!

12 June 2015

Room 5 gets active!

We spent a lot of time being active this week.  Check out how we did so below!

This week half of Room 5 went to an inter-school hockey tournament.  The Central Panthers did amazingly well and made it all the way to the finals.  They played so well but went down to a team from Henley 1-0.

We also spent some time evaluating and modifying our kites as part of Inquiry.  Many of us found that our kites were too heavy and didn't really fly.

Today we had our school cross-country.  We luckily got our race in just before it started to pour.

Well done to the following place-getters from Room 5

Year 3  Boys
2nd - Archie
5th - Austin

Year 3 Girls
1st - Charlize
4th - Ellen

Year 4  Boys
1st - Cullen

Year 4 Girls
2nd - Amba
3rd - Emilia 
5th - Anna
7th - Ruby