29 August 2014

Term 3 Week 6

We have had another great week in Room 5.  This week we sadly had our last session with George from Nelson Football.  We finished off our sessions with a mini-tournament.

In Room 5 we had our first discovery time this week.  Sally put out a range of activities to choose from.  These included sewing with hessian, xylophones, crazy catch, animation on the IPAD, creating our own plays and card tricks.  We all had lots of fun and Sally enjoyed seeing how we focused on our Key Competency of Participating and Contributing.  Many of us had to co-operate together, negotiate and we also learned from one another.

As part of our inquiry we also have been creating stop animations.  These have been lots of fun and we look forward to showing you them when they are all completed.

We wrapped up the week with a cake stall for our camp.  Together as a syndicate we raised $510!!!

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